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In the Studio | Sara Pull

In the Studio | Sara Pull

1 | Name, age (optional) and where you call home? 
Sara Pull, 29, Bondi NSW 

2 | What is your job, side hustle and/ or creative pursuit
My “9-5” is working for a beautiful stationery company, An Organised Life, across PR, Sales & Content. For the past 8 years I’ve also been a writer, focusing on sustainable fashion & lifestyle articles; that’s now shifted to writing content for conscious brands. I’m also in the process of re-launching REVEL:  alongside one of my best friends who is the founder & designer. More on that later… 

3 | In the time that I’ve known you, your creative practice has become impressively diverse and spanned across fashion, PR and sales. Was this always what you set out to do? Or has this evolution been more of an organic process? 
It’s definitely been an organic process to a degree,  I'm lucky to work in an industry where you can have access to so many interlinking roles and although I did set out with the intention to work in the fashion industry for my career I’m also a big believer in manifesting and striving for a goal. It’s with that mindset that I’ve always trusted that when life gives me a change of path that it's there for a reason, some have been for growth and some were challenging, big life lessons!
I love storytelling and working with Australian & New Zealand brands that are working in a more conscious way, that’s something that doesn’t have a linear path for me but is constantly expanding with new opportunities. 

4 | What have been two of your career highlights to date? And why? 
During my time in Fashion PR I worked with some truly amazing brands, I was the publicist for Peony Swimwear when they launched onto Net-A-Porter’s NET SUSTAIN platform and had Camille Charriere as brand ambassador. That involved our scope of work to be much further than just the Australian market which was a big milestone for me professionally.
In polar opposite to that,  leaving the fashion industry and coming on full-time with An Organised Life, which is my current role, really felt like I could let go of some of the hustle.  I had worked for two PR agencies previously, which involved a lot of external clients and moving parts, to be able to then shift in-house and work so closely with our founder Beck Wadworth during such a pivotal stage of growth for the brand and for my career is still something I’m grateful for every day I go to work. In 2020 we landed Gwenyth Paltrow's GOOP as a stockist which was a big pinch me moment for everyone too!

5 | I find myself constantly referencing your instagram as inspiration for documenting moments and ones self in an authentic way. I particularly love the considered way that you capture self portraits; an artistic approach to documenting ones body. What has motivated & inspired you to capture your “self” this way? 
I’ve always been drawn to photography and documenting myself. When I was really young, maybe 10 years old,  I found my grandfather's old camcorder in a box of storage and recorded myself simply speaking and then each year thereafter I would sneak it out and video myself again. I was fascinated that one day I would be able to look back and see myself at those ages.
When it comes to taking photos of ‘self’, my body is my home for the entirety of my life so I want to document that. When it comes to Instagram I liken it to be a personal mood board more so than something that other people will perceive and I’m much more comfortable taking images of my body than my face, and having the ability to capture movement with my body and play around with that. 

5 | Where do you turn to for inspiration to fuel your ideation and creative process?
Pinterest, always. I also feel inspired by the creatives around me like Ryan Cullen, Eloise Jenkins, Daniel Hanslow & my partner Cameron
I’ve always been attracted to complimenting images and how the colours in a photo of a building can compliment an image of an outfit or a moment from everyday life. Beautiful old buildings in the CBD and the rock formations around Tamarama & Bondi are a constant source of inspiration against any content I create. I also love words, and the power they have to evoke feeling. My quote Pinterest board currently has over 1k pins on it & it’s something I reference to help me understand my thought processes and the emotions I’m trying to portray.

6 | I believe the home and creative studio play a huge part in giving us the space to ideate and create. What is your philosophy / aesthetic around your home or studio styling and what are three of your favourite pieces in it. Where did you find them and why do you love them?
My bedroom is my creative personal space, it’s neutral toned with the exception of a little bit of pink that I can’t seem to give up. The afternoon sun hits it and creates beautiful light play, the natural light pouring in instantly inspires me. 

Three of my favourite pieces are:

• Jonah Hill zine. His directorial debut film Mid 90’s is my favourite movie, it evokes emotion in me every time I watch it. In his zine ‘Inner Children’  he interviews 12 friends about their childhood selves and how they learned to love and accept themselves; I think his mind and creativity is brilliant.

• Pink ashtray & vase. I found these at a Salvation Army and there was no second guessing that they were made to be mine. I feel so much joy having them in my space.

• My dresser, it was a $50 Gumtree find that I absolutely cherish. I see it as a cornerstone of myself with the pink ashtray, candles I’ve made, crystals, a collection of polaroids and always a magazine, book or journal finds a home on there. 

 7 | When making decisions about which brands and businesses you will create for and be associated with, what plays a deciding factor? 
I’m grateful that I was exposed to the gritty dark side of the fashion industry early on in my career. I had a teacher/mentor that showed me The True Cost documentary and that was pivotal in cementing my values & a complete shift in knowledge. I now seek to work with brands that are genuinely creating products for people to cherish and not over consume, and that are doing so with the planet in mind. We’re in a phase of undoing the harm on both people and planet that over consumption like fast fashion has caused, and I want to support brands that are working towards this too. 

8 | What advice would you give to women wanting to carve out a similar creative career but unsure of where to start?
I constantly go through ebbs and flows of creativity and confidence, that’s something I’ve learned to sit with rather than see as a reason to stop. I think the most important thing, as cliche as it sounds, is to do things that bring you joy. Creating especially if on a public platform can be intimidating but as long as you’re producing work through your own unique perspective and with kindness then go for it. One of my favourite quotes is ‘The secret to being interesting is to be interested” and the same goes for creating, the secret to being creative is to create!

9 | Between the many facets of your work, do you pursue or engage in anything creatively for yourself? What practices or processes do you indulge in that feed your soul, and are just for you? 
I love to create, I’m yet to master anything but it's nice to live with a little bit of wonder. I’ve been making candles, doing hand embroidery and playing the ukulele. There’s something beautiful & fulfilling to have practices that are just for you, with no expectation and no audience. 

10 | What are you working on now and what can we expect to see from you in the future? 
I’ve recently become a business partner to REVEL. My friend Shannyn is the founder & designer, I've been by her side on a personal level since the brand started 6 years ago when we were at fashion college. We have a really special friendship, as soon as we met it was obvious we were creative soul mates - we are different in many ways but the perfect balance when together. This year we decided to take the official leap to grow something beautiful together that will still play honour to her original brand Revel Knitwear and the labour of love that is hand-knitting, but will grow into a brand concept that challenges the way we shop and brings community together. 

Where can you find Sara? 
Sara Pull
Instagram | @sara.pull

Website |
Instagram | @revelknitwear

An Organised Life
Website |
Instagram | @anorganisedlife


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